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Together we Believe, Progress, Succeed

Foundation 2 2023 - 2024

Mrs Lloyd

Mrs Knapton

Mrs Edwards

“Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiencesbetween birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right. Good parenting and high qualityearly learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up” (Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage - setting the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five. 2021)

At Brookdale, we aim to provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum which will enable each child to develop personally, socially, emotionally, physically, creatively andacademically to their full potential. Each child is valued as an individual; teaching and learning is rooted in the understandig that children progress at different rates. Thecurriculum in our Early Years is delivered through a balance of adult-led and child-led learning, meeting all the requirements of the educational
programmes in the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and using guidance from non-statutory documents including Development Matters and Birth to Five Matters. Our curriculum allows us the flexibility to respond quickly to children’s new interests and/or needs and create an environment in which they develop independence and learn toplay, share, co-operate, explore and investigate through a wide range of rich, varied and imaginative experiences.

Our curriculum encompasses seven areas of learning and development. All areas of learning and development are important and interconnected. Three areas especially underpin all learning and thinking, building a foundation for igniting children’s curiosity, engagement and enthusiasm, forming relationships and thriving as individuals andpart of the school family.
These are called the prime areas:
· Communication and Language
· Physical development
· Personal, Social and Emotional Development.

Four additional areas of learning help children to develop skills and knowledge whilst applying the prime areas. These are called the specific areas:
· Literacy
· Mathematics
· Understanding the World
· Expressive Arts and Design

During their time in our Early Years, children access a highly stimulating environment in which to play, learn and grow which reflect the seven areas of learning and fosterpositive attitudes to thinking and learning. There is daily planned provision both indoors and outdoors where the Early Years team challenge, model, scaffold and support learning carefully, accounting for the individual interests, motivations and needs of all children in our setting.



This term the Big Question we will use to link lots our of learning and thinking is...  


We are going to be thinking about different journeys and adventures, how we feel about them and how we can get ready for them.  We will learn about adventures other people go on or have been on including the adventure Floella Benjamin and her family went on coming to England from Trinidad in 1960. 



Supporting learning (and playing) at home.


Teach Your Monster To Read is a great resource to support those literacy skills

Monteray Bay Aquarium Live webcams of all sorts of animals including otters, jellyfish and the coral reef.

Nature School Some lovely activities - you will recognise some that you have completed already.

RSPB Also offers some lovely nature related activities.

Learning Through Landscapes Even more outdoors activities! Let's hope for good weather.

Whiterose Maths continue to keep maths ideas flowing based around a book. You can usually find someone reading the book online if you search around.

Most of you have accessed Oxford Reading Owl which has a free library. Aim for Phase 2 or 3 books from Letters and Sounds in the pulldown menu.

Starfall is a new website I found recently. Although American it has some good resources matching UK curriculum.

Most of you have found Mr Mc  for phonics videos. Love him or hate him, we can only applaud his efforts of keeping phonic teaching going through lockdown.

Phonics Play are giving free access to their games - Phase 2 and 3 are where you should aim for. 

Phonics Bloom as above.

Ace Early Years have lots of ideas for English, maths, outdoors and funky finger type activities.

Don't forget the Oak National Academy offers structured lessons on video for English, Maths and across the curriculum (Foundation) activies.

You can also look out for virtual days at Chester Zoo, Longleat Safari Park and I might have seen Knowsley too.


Some good websites for keeping active and fit...

Cosmic Kids Yoga  5 - 20 minute workouts.

Andy’s Wild Workouts 

Just Dance clips e.g. Gummy Bear 

Go Noodle e.g.  Dinosaur Stomp

Just For Fun Supermovers 


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